Monday, January 12, 2015

1/13/15: The Ruby in the Smoke Ch. 8-15, Journal Thread

Post journal entry in the comments thread for this post!


  1. So, I forgot: Mrs. Holland DIDN'T have the checkered suit guy killed. My bad!

  2. The book started off slow but now it is so riveting I couldn't put it down. We find out what the seven blessings are and it affects the story. Her father was murdered and that the people associated with ah ling and the seven blessings were responsible and that they covered it up. The poor little orphan girl was rescued but she knows just how ruthless Mrs.Holland is. There is a budding romance between Mr. Garland and Sally but Jim has feelings for Sally and I can't wait to see whom she will choose. The character of Mr. Berry is interesting because although he is a convict he has a conscience. He refuses to drink and even helps the boy, who he beat up, by encouraging him to stop drinking. The chapter ends with Mrs. Holland determined to find and kill Sally but I suspect Sally will be armed and ready for their epic encounter!

  3. Finally, some of the puzzle pieces are coming together and things are falling into place. Sadly, we have resolved the question of what happened to Sally’s father; however, we are still unsure what her recurring vision means. And also: when and where did she come into contact with opium? Though I find it extremely unfortunate that her father was murdered, I have found that I relate to Sally more now than when I first met her. The way that she tries her absolute best to disguise her fear of Mrs. Holland and everything else is very courageous, in my point of view. I am both nervous and excited to see what happens next between Mrs. Holland and Sally. We left off with Mrs. Holland vowing to kill her. To say that Mrs. Holland may be an old lady but that she is not to be feared any less would be an understatement. Though we now know what the Seven Blessings means, we still do not know how that relates to the ruby, or how the ruby relates to Sally’s life. There are still quite a few questions that we do not have the answers to, and I am looking forward to solving the mystery.


  4. These chapters of the book were more fast-paced and exciting, and the tension was steadily building: climaxing at the end of chapter 15. It ends leaving the reader certain that Mrs. Holland is out to get Sally, and not just find her, but kill her as well.
    While Sally is an extremely courageous character, undaunted by much, it's nice to see that she is still very human and a girl I can relate to. An example of this is when she is at loss for words when she is on the train ride with Fred and does not know how to explain to him what she is feeling, or another instance is her uncertainty of how to approach Adelaide. These scenes help to show that she is not some invincible super girl and makes me as a reader more interested in the story and concerned for her safety.
    I predict that Sally will try to enter into her terrible nightmare again in order to find some answers - that's the only solution I can think of right now.

    Marianna Mercer

  5. The book is starting to get better but it still feels slow.
    Sally finally figured out that her father was murdered and she now wants revenge.
    Mrs. Holland figured out where the ruby was hidden but when she found the box someone had already taken it. I'm curious who has it now.
    I also feel that Sally has grown as a character, she has taken on a leadership type role and she now has a job that she loves. And she feels that she is doing something important.
    I still get confused with all of the different characters and have a hard time figuring out who is who.
